Social Media Support

Social media is all over the news these days. It is both the source and topic of news discussion. In that discussion, it is often villified, seen as a vehicle by which the worst that humanity has to offer is given power to broadcast to a larger audience than they deserve. In many ways, those criticisms are well-founded. In addition, at LYFS, we work a lot with youth and families who have been affected negatively by involvement with social media, whether it is due to addictive use of screens, sexual inappropriateness, or simply wandering down virtual dark alleys. There is every reason to exercise caution when it comes to social media. However, as with all stereotypes, the problem is not whether the story is true or not, it’s whether it is complete. In this case, to portray social media as strictly unhealthy, painting a diverse phenomenon with a broad brush, is to tell only part of the story. Social media also allows us to be connected in a way that we never have before, and not just to people but to ideas.

One way that social media can be put to use for our good is by connecting us to both people and ideas that speak to the challenges we experience in life. Social media can create opportunities for large virtual support groups, comprised of people who are going through similar trials, learning from each other and supporting one another. Here are some links to social media pages that you may find helpful if you are looking for a little extra:

Additude Magazine

Focus: Information for families dealing with ADHD

Champions for Community Mental Wellness

Focus: Information hub for families raising children with mental health challenges

Champions for Community Mental Wellness Discussion 

Focus: “a safe space for sharing … parenting challenges, but also a place to inspire one another. “

Fraser Valley ADHD

Focus: peer support and information for parents raising children with ADHD


Attention Deficit Disorder Association 

Focus: Adults with ADD/ADHD

Lives in the Balance

Focus: “to provide resources and support to parents, teachers, and other caregivers of kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges.”


Fight the New Drug

Focus: Education about the harmful effects of pornography

Monarch House

Focus: Autism Spectrum Disorder, associated issues and other developmental disabilities

ADHD Parent Support: Valley to Vancouver

Focus: “Support for parents of kids with ADHD and parents with ADHD” 

ADHD: Tales of an Absent-Minded Superhero

Focus: Author Stacey Turis irreverent and hilarious look at ADHD life

Children and Adults with ADHD

Focus: information and conversation

Reactive Attachment Disorder Support

Focus: Support group for families with children struggling with RAD

Parents of Anxious Children

Focus: Support group, to share information, insight, and stories

Feel free to share any other social media resources that you have found helpful.